The Chicagoland Gems & Minerals Association consists of volunteers from 5 Chicagoland area clubs working together to produce the annual show and educate the public about the earth sciences.

Clubs of the Chicagoland Gems and Minerals Association:
CHICAGO ROCKS & MINERALS SOCIETY (CRMS) Founded in 1946, CRMS is the outgrowth of a lapidary class in a Chicago Park District field house. Members include beginners, hobbyists, and professionals devoted to the collection and understanding of minerals, fossils, gems, rocks, and jewelry making. On the second Saturday of March, CRMS holds its Annual Silent Auction. The club publishes its award-winning newsletter, The Pick and Dop Stick, ten times a year. Visitors are welcome at meetings, which feature speakers on a wide variety of subjects, held the second Saturday of each month at 7:30 p.m. except July and August, in St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, 8013 Laramie, Skokie.
For more information, visit their website at or contact them directly: Jeanine N. Mielecki, (312) 623-1554 or email
DES PLAINES VALLEY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (DPVGS) The Des Plaines Valley Geological Society is one of the oldest in the Chicagoland. Our mission is to promote the lapidary hobby in all forms: minerals, fossils, gemstones and jewelry of all types. We meet at the Des Plaines Leisure Center, 2222 Birch Road, Des Plaines, Illinois on the 3rd Thursday of the month, excluding June, July, August and December. Our members are very knowledgeable in their fields of interest. At our meetings, we conduct routine business with a heavy focus on promoting our Show in April of each year. We also strive to schedule field trips and provide programs at our meetings, some of which culminate with a Pot Luck provided by members of the Club. Many of our members volunteer for the CGMA Show, held at the Kane County Fairgrounds on Memorial Day Weekend. They can be found there as demonstrators and provide interesting and educational exhibits. Please feel free to visit us on Facebook at our site, Des Plaines Valley Geological Society.
For more information visit their website at
EARTH SCIENCE CLUB OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (ESCONI) The aim of the Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois (ESCONI) is to promote an interest in the earth sciences. ESCONI began in 1949 and currently has over 300 members. The club has regular monthly meetings at College of DuPage with speakers from colleges, universities, and museums. ESCONI also has a Paleontology Study Group, an active Juniors Group, and an annual show at the DuPage County Fairgrounds. Members receive the monthly club bulletin, “The Earth Science News” and have access to field trips. In addition, the club supports local activities such as Burpee Museum’s PaleoFest, sponsors a student research grant administered by the Paleontological Society, and has published 7 books.
For more information, visit their website at
ELGIN ROCK CLUB (ERC) The aim of Elgin Rock Club (ERC) is to further the education and development of skills of its members in field of earth science, mineralogy, paleontology, and lapidary. The ERC was organized in 1962. From time to time, there have been active study groups in paleontology, minerals, lapidary, and metalcraft. The club enjoys the hobby participation of whole families. Meetings are held on the third Friday of the month at 783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, except in the summer.
For more information, visit their website at or contact them directly: Mark Kuntz, (847) 742-9244.
The West Suburban Lapidary Club was founded in 1959 by several Elmhurst residents interested in the lapidary arts. The mission of the club is to foster the development of the lapidary arts and jewelry craftsmanship, improve craft skills, and increase public interest in handcrafted gems, jewelry, and their materials. Regular meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of the month at the Lizzadro Museum in Oak Brook except May – August & December.
For more information, visit their website at